Conference Papers Year : 2021

Siame-se(3): regression in se(3) for end-to-end visual servoing


In this paper we propose a deep architecture and the associated learning strategy for end-to-end direct visual servoing. The considered approach allows to sequentially predict, in se(3), the velocity of a camera mounted on the robot's end-effector for positioning tasks. Positioning is achieved with high precision despite large initial errors in both cartesian and image spaces. Training is fully done in simulation, alleviating the burden of data collection. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method in experiments in both simulated and real-world environments. We also show that the proposed approach is able to handle multiple scenes.
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hal-03173684 , version 1 (18-03-2021)
hal-03173684 , version 2 (18-03-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03173684 , version 2


Samuel Felton, Elisa Fromont, Eric Marchand. Siame-se(3): regression in se(3) for end-to-end visual servoing. ICRA 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2021, Xi'an, China. pp.14454-14460. ⟨hal-03173684v2⟩
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