Reports (Contract/Project Report) Year : 2020

MS26 Communications PoC between NAKALA and HAL


PoC: Working Communication between Nakala, the Huma-Num's research data repository, and the academic publications available on HAL. This document specifies the development of the proof of concept (POC) which will allow the linking of publications deposited in HAL (including its HAL-SHS portal), the French open archive ( developed by the CCSD (, and data or datasets deposited in Nakala ( developed by Huma-num (https://www.huma-, the French research data repository for SSH data. It describes the workflow to be set up between the two repositories, the creation of the bidirectional relationship between publications and data, prospection for the implementation of tools to visualize these links in the two repositories, and finally how to expose these relationships and publish them, so that they are available, findable and usable by research communities (and by all citizens).
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EOSC_PILLAR_MS26 - POC HAL-NAKALA_V1.pdf (20.17 Mo) Télécharger le fichier
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hal-03170550 , version 1 (16-03-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03170550 , version 1


Adeline Joffres, Nicolas Larrousse, Yannick Barborini, Bénédicte Kuntziger-Planche. MS26 Communications PoC between NAKALA and HAL. [Contract] European Union. 2020. ⟨hal-03170550⟩
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