Temporal variation in pigment and mycosporine-like amino acid composition of the red macroalga Palmaria palmata from Brittany (France): hypothesis on the MAA biosynthesis pathway under high irradiance
Changes in pigment (chlorophyll-a, carotenoids and phycobiliproteins) and mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) composition were studied in the red edible macroalga Palmaria palmata, harvested between February 2018 and February 2019 at 2 sites from Brittany (France). The results occuring in natural conditions revealed a high seasonal variability that can be related to a combination of environmental parameters, including light, nutrients, temperature, salinity and pH, which may have synergistic or antagonistic effects. A decrease in pigments was observed in summer, matching with the increase in irradiance at the same period. On the contrary, the increase in light from February to May has caused an increase in the total MAA content, confirming the UV-photoprotective role attributed to these compounds. Analysis of the results coupled with the biosynthesis pathway suggests that some MAAs are favoured in the occurrence of high irradiance. In this sense, asterina-330 was synthetized only between March and July and not the rest of the year, supporting its importance in photoprotection. In addition, analysis revealed that nutrient availibility could have a significant influence on MAAs since their synthesis seemed to be limited in summer, despite significant exposure to light. However, this decrease could be due to another potential role of MAAs as a nitrogen source for macroalgae. Thus, the diversity of these compounds and the different synthesis pathways could be explained by different roles including photo-protection and nitrogen source, making MAA multi-purpose protective agents which could play a key role in the adaptation of this species to its changing environment.
Mots clés
kelp macrocystis-pyrifera
gracilaria-tenuistipitata rhodophyta
induced dna-damage
Nutrient storage
photosynthetic pigments
solar uv-radiation
Synthesis pathway