The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on ground-based atmospheric CO 2 measurements - Archive ouverte HAL
Article Dans Une Revue Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Année : 2020

The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on ground-based atmospheric CO 2 measurements

Michel Ramonet (1, 2) , Philippe Ciais (1, 3) , Francesco Apadula (4) , Jakub Bartyzel (5) , Ana Bastos (6) , Peter Bergamaschi (7) , Pierre-Éric Blanc (8, 9) , Dominik Brunner (10) , Luigi Caracciolo Di Torchiarolo (11) , Francescopiero Calzolari (12) , Huilin Chen (13) , Lukasz Chmura (5) , Aurélie Colomb (14) , Sébastien Conil (15) , Paolo Cristofanelli (12) , Emilio Cuevas (16) , Roger Curcoll (17) , Marc Delmotte (1, 2) , Alcide Di Sarra (18) , Lukas Emmenegger (10) , Grant Forster (19) , Arnoud Frumau (20) , Christoph Gerbig (21) , François Gheusi (22) , Samual Hammer (23) , Laszlo Haszpra (24) , Juha Hatakka (25) , Lynn Hazan (1, 3) , Michal Heliasz (13) , Stephan Henne (10) , Arjan Hensen (20) , Ove Hermansen (26) , Petri Keronen (27) , Rigel Kivi (25) , Katerina Komínková (28) , Dagmar Kubistin (29) , Olivier Laurent (1, 2) , Tuomas Laurila (25) , Jost Lavric (21) , Irene Lehner (13) , Kari Lehtinen (30, 25) , Ari Leskinen (30, 25) , Markus Leuenberger (31) , Ingeborg Levin (23) , Matthias Lindauer (29) , Morgan Lopez (1, 2) , C Lund Myhre (26) , Ivan Mammarella (27) , Giovanni Manca (7) , Andrew Manning (19) , Michal Marek (28) , Per Marklund (32) , Damien Martin (33) , Frank Meinhardt (34) , Nikolaos Mihalopoulos (35) , Meelis Mölder (36) , Josep Morgui (17) , Jaroslaw Necki (5) , Simon O'Doherty (37) , Colin O'Dowd (38) , Mikaell Ottosson Löfvenius (32) , Carole Philippon (1) , Salvatore Piacentino (39) , Jean-Marc Pichon (14) , Christian Plass-Duelmer (40) , Alex Resovsky (1) , Leonard Rivier (1, 3) , Xavier Rodó (41, 42) , Mahesh Sha (43) , Hubertus Scheeren (44) , Damiano Sferlazzo (39) , T. Gerard Spain (38) , Kieran Stanley (2, 45) , Martin Steinbacher (10) , Pamela Trisolino (12) , Alex Vermeulen (46) , Gabriela Vítková (28) , Dietmar Weyrauch (40) , Irène Xueref-Remy (9) , Khalil Yala (1) , C. Yver Kwok (1, 3)
1 LSCE - Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement [Gif-sur-Yvette]
4 RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico
5 AGH UST - AGH University of Science and Technology [Krakow, PL]
6 LMU - Ludwig Maximilian University [Munich] = Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
7 JRC - European Commission - Joint Research Centre [Ispra]
8 OSU PYTHEAS - Institut Pythéas
9 IMBE - Institut méditerranéen de biodiversité et d'écologie marine et continentale
10 EMPA - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology [Dübendorf]
11 Italian Air Force Meteorological Service
12 ISAC - CNR Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
13 CEC - Centre for Environmental and Climate Research [Lund]
14 LaMP - Laboratoire de Météorologie Physique
15 ANDRA - Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs
16 IARC - Izaña Atmospheric Research Center
17 ICTA - Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals
18 ENEA - Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove Tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile = Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
19 COAS - Centre for Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences [Norwich]
20 TNO - The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
21 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
22 LAERO - Laboratoire d'aérologie
23 Institut für Umweltphysik [Heidelberg]
24 Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences [Budapest]
25 FMI - Finnish Meteorological Institute
26 NILU - Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning
27 INAR - Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research
28 CzechGlobe - Global Change Research Centre
29 MOHp - Meteorologisches Observatorium Hohenpeißenberg
30 University of Eastern Finland
31 CEP - Climate and Environmental Physics [Bern]
32 SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences = Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
34 UBA - German Federal Environmental Agency / Umweltbundesamt
35 ECPL - Environmental Chemical Processes Laboratory [Heraklion]
36 Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
37 University of Bristol [Bristol]
38 C-CAPS - Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies [Galway]
39 ENEA - Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development [Frascati]
40 Deutscher Wetterdienst, Hohenpeißenberg Meteorological Observatory
41 ISGlobal - Barcelona Institute for Global Health [Barcelona, Spain]
42 Department of Experimental and Health Sciences - ICREA Infection Biology Laboratory
43 BIRA-IASB - Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy / Institut d'Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique
44 CIO - Centre for Isotope Research [Groningen]
45 IAU - Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences [Frankfurt/Main]
46 ICOS - Integrated Carbon Observation System
Aurélie Colomb
Christoph Gerbig
Rigel Kivi
Alex Vermeulen


During the summer of 2018, a widespread drought developed over Northern and Central Europe. The increase in temperature and the reduction of soil moisture have influenced carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems in various ways, such as a reduction of photosynthesis, changes in ecosystem respiration, or allowing more frequent fires. In this study, we characterize the resulting perturbation of the atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycles. 2018 has a good coverage of European regions affected by drought, allowing the investigation of how ecosystem flux anomalies impacted spatial CO2 gradients between stations. This density of stations is unprecedented compared to previous drought events in 2003 and 2015, particularly thanks to the deployment of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) network of atmospheric greenhouse gas monitoring stations in recent years. Seasonal CO2 cycles from 48 European stations were available for 2017 and 2018. Earlier data were retrieved for comparison from international databases or national networks. Here, we show that the usual summer minimum in CO2 due to the surface carbon uptake was reduced by 1.4 ppm in 2018 for the 10 stations located in the area most affected by the temperature anomaly, mostly in Northern Europe. Notwithstanding, the CO2 transition phases before and after July were slower in 2018 compared to 2017, suggesting an extension of the growing season, with either continued CO2 uptake by photosynthesis and/or a reduction in respiration driven by the depletion of substrate for respiration inherited from the previous months due to the drought. For stations with sufficiently long time series, the CO2 anomaly observed in 2018 was compared to previous European droughts in 2003 and 2015. Considering the areas most affected by the temperature anomalies, we found a higher CO2 anomaly in 2003 (+3 ppm averaged over 4 sites), and a smaller anomaly in 2015 (+1 ppm averaged over 11 sites) compared to 2018. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale’.
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hal-02938994 , version 1 (04-11-2020)



Michel Ramonet, Philippe Ciais, Francesco Apadula, Jakub Bartyzel, Ana Bastos, et al.. The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on ground-based atmospheric CO 2 measurements. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020, 375 (1810), pp.20190513. ⟨10.1098/rstb.2019.0513⟩. ⟨hal-02938994⟩
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