Production of Strange Particles and Hypernuclei in Spallation and Fragmentation Reactions
Hypernuclear physics is a longstanding field of research in which innovative experiments using the inverse kinematics technique to accelerate light, medium, and heavy nuclei at relativistic energies have become an important tool to study the properties of hypernuclei. We investigate the hypernuclei production in spallation reactions where multi-fragmentation, evaporation, and fission processes play an important role in the formation of final hypernuclei residues. For the description of spallation reactions, we couple the Liège intranuclear-cascade model, extended recently to strange particles, to a new version of the de-excitation model ABLA07 that accounts for the evaporation of \(\Lambda \) particles from hot hyperremnants produced during the intranuclear cascade stage. These state-of-the-art models are used to study the production of hypernuclei close to the limits of the chart of nuclei.