Conference Papers Year : 2020

Approach to Reasoning about Uncertain Temporal Data in OWL 2


In this paper, we propose an ontology-based approach for representing and reasoning about certain and uncertain temporal data. Ithandles temporal data in terms of quantitative time intervals and points and the qualitative relations between them (e.g., “before”). Itincludes three parts.(1)We extend the 4D-fluents approach with certain ontological components to represent the handled temporaldata in OWL 2.(2)We extend the Allen’s interval algebra to reason about certain and uncertain time intervals. We adapt theserelations to allow relating a time interval and a time point, and two time points. All relations can be used for temporal reasoning bymeans of transitivity tables.(3)The extended Allen’s algebra instantiates the 4D-fluents-based representation. Inferences are basedon SWRL rules. Based on this ontology, a prototype is implemented and integrated into an ontology-based memory prosthesis forAlzheimer’s patients to handle certain and uncertain temporal data inputs.
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hal-02893907 , version 1 (04-01-2022)




Nassira Achich, Fatma Ghorbel, Fayçal Hamdi, Elisabeth Metais, Faiez Gargouri. Approach to Reasoning about Uncertain Temporal Data in OWL 2. 24th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), Sep 2020, Verona, Italy. pp.1141-1150, ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2020.09.110⟩. ⟨hal-02893907⟩
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