Sensitivity of High-Frequency Ground Motion to Kinematic Source Parameters
Empirical ground motion prediction equations are calibrated from past earthquake seismic recordings. Although they are often used to predict Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) and its variability, the use of these equations to predict near-fault PGA remains questionable due to the scarcity of near-fault recordings for large earthquakes (e.g. Mai Encyclopedia of complexity and systems science (pp. 4435–4474). New York: Springer. 2009). The simulation of strong ground motion offers an attractive alternative for the assessment of near-fault seismic hazards, but the a priori choice of the source parameters used to describe the fault rupture process remains a complex issue. In order to better understand the effects of rupture parameters on surface ground motion and to capture the key source ingredients that impact ground motion variability, we simulated ground motions produced by various M7 strike-slip rupture earthquake scenarios on vertical faults. We computed ground motion up to 5 Hz using the far-field approximation as well as at the near-field stations located at 5 km, 25 km and 70 km from the fault (assuming a visco-elastic medium). The kinematic rupture parameters are modeled using a statistical rupture model generator as proposed by Song et al. Geophysical Journal International,196(3), 1770–1786 (2014). Our work demonstrates that PGA is mostly generated by abrupt changes in the rupture propagation (e.g. stopping phases at the fault boundaries or strong heterogeneities of rupture speed along the fault). We observed that PGA is mostly controlled by average rupture speed and average stress drop (in the far-field), and to a lesser extent by the standard deviation of the rupture speed. It is worth noting that for the set of stations in study, the correlation between source parameters and spatial correlation length does not affect average PGA and related variability significantly.