Lax matrices from antidominantly shifted Yangians and quantum affine algebras: A-type
We construct a family of rational and trigonometric Lax matrices parametrized by -valued divisors D on . To this end, we study the shifted Drinfeld Yangians and quantum affine algebras , which slightly generalize their -counterparts of [3,18]. Our key observation is that both algebras admit the RTT type realization when μ (resp. and ) are antidominant coweights. We prove that are polynomial in z (up to a rational factor) and obtain explicit simple formulas for those linear in z. This generalizes the recent construction by the first two authors of linear rational Lax matrices [15] in both trigonometric and higher z-degree directions. Furthermore, we show that all are normalized limits of those parametrized by D supported away from (in the rational case) or (in the trigonometric case). The RTT approach provides conceptual and elementary proofs for the construction of the coproduct homomorphisms on shifted Yangians and quantum affine algebras of , previously established in [14,18] via rather tedious computations. Finally, we establish a close relation between a certain collection of explicit linear Lax matrices and the well-known parabolic Gelfand-Tsetlin formulas.