Renormalization group flow of coupled tensorial group field theories: Towards the Ising model on random lattices
We introduce a new family of tensorial field theories by coupling different fields in a nontrivial way, with a view towards the investigation of the coupling between matter and gravity in the quantum regime. As a first step, we consider the simple case with two tensors of the same rank coupled together, with Dirac like a kinetic kernel. We focus especially on rank-3 tensors, which lead to a power counting just-renormalizable model, and interpret Feynman graphs as Ising configurations on random lattices. We investigate the renormalization group flow for this model, using two different and complementary tools for approximations, namely, the effective vertex expansion method and finite-dimensional vertex expansion for the flowing action. Due to the complicated structure of the resulting flow equations, we divided the work into two parts. In this first part, we only investigate the fundamental aspects on the construction of the model and the different ways to get tractable renormalization group equations, while their numerical analysis will be addressed in a companion paper.