Journal Articles Astrofizicheskii Byulleten' / Astrophysical Bulletin Year : 2018

A Catalog of Isolated Galaxy Pairs Limited to Absolute Magnitude -18.5 Drawn from HyperLEDA Database


The present paper is devoted to the construction of a catalog of isolated galaxy pairs extracted from the HyperLEDA extragalactic database. The radial velocities of the galaxies in the pairs are in the range [3000, 16000] km s-1. In order to get an unbiased pair catalog as complete as possible, we have limited the absolute magnitude of the galaxies to M ≤ -18.5. The criteria used to define the isolated galaxy pairs are the following: 1) velocity criterion: radial velocity difference between the pair members Δ V < 500 kms-1; 2) interdistance criterion: projected distance between the members r p < 1 Mpc; 3) reciprocity criterion: each member is the closest galaxy to the other one, which excludes multiplets; 4) isolation criterion: we define a pair as isolated if the ratio ρ = r 3/ r p of the projected distance of the pair to its closest galaxy (this one having a velocity difference lower than 500 km s-1 with respect to the pair) and the members projected interdistance r p is larger than 2.5.We have searched for these closest galaxies first in HyperLEDA M-limited source catalog, then in the full one.We have managed not to suppress the small number of pairs having close-by but faint dwarf galaxy companions. The galaxy pair catalog lists the value of ρ for each isolated pair. This method allows the user of the catalog to select any isolation level (beyond the chosen limit ρ > 2.5). Our final catalog contains 13 114 galaxy pairs, of which 57% are fairly isolated with ρ > 5, and 30% are highly isolated with ρ ≥ 10.

Dates and versions

hal-02293148 , version 1 (20-09-2019)



L. Nottale, P. Chamaraux. A Catalog of Isolated Galaxy Pairs Limited to Absolute Magnitude -18.5 Drawn from HyperLEDA Database. Astrofizicheskii Byulleten' / Astrophysical Bulletin, 2018, 73 (3), pp.310-317. ⟨10.1134/S1990341318030057⟩. ⟨hal-02293148⟩
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