Region-of-interest imaging with differentiated backprojection and angularly subsampled complementary sinograms
Recently, we introduced a two-pass analytical recon-
struction that allows truncation to be accounted for in the image
domain rather than the projection domain. In particular, we
showed that backprojection of a vastly angularly undersampled
sinogram of un-truncated data could be used to extrapolate the
backprojection of a finely sampled, fully truncated sinogram
of the same object to perform more accurate region-of-interest
(ROI) imaging. The same extrapolation idea can be performed
using differentiated backprojection (DBP). The goal of this study
is to give a general DBP-based formula when reconstructing
a finite set of projections in parallel geometry. We discuss the
discretization of this formula, in particular when the image grid
size is large with respect to the number of projections, and we
show how it can be applied to our extrapolation problem.