Conference Papers Year : 2015

Fuel management strategies in extreme and changing environment: the case of El Chueco 1 site (11500-2570 yr. cal. B.P.) at central western Patagonia


Fuel management strategies in extreme and changing environment: the case of El Chueco 1 site (11500-2570 yr. cal. B.P.) at central western Patagonia
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hal-02183353 , version 1 (15-07-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02183353 , version 1


Isabella Riquelme-Toro, César Mendez, Isabelle Théry-Parisot. Fuel management strategies in extreme and changing environment: the case of El Chueco 1 site (11500-2570 yr. cal. B.P.) at central western Patagonia. Local to global significance of charcoal science, 6th International Anthracology Meeting, 2015, Freiburg (Allemagne), Germany. ⟨hal-02183353⟩
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