Le “bon juriste” : bon technicien ? bon tacticien ?
The “good lawyer”: good technician or good tactician?
The lawyer is classically defined as a technician, as a legal expert who knows the rules precisely
and who is able to apply them to complex cases. But many jurists are also tacticians who want to
manipulate the law, interpret the law, sometimes distort the law in order to defend interests or more
simply to defend a particular conception of law and justice. Law is not a constraint or a barrier. Law
is also a strategic tool. The “good lawyer” is therefore the one who plays with the laws, the one
who handles the law with the most address. The “good lawyer” is the one who best manages the
legal and judicial risks. The “good lawyer” is the one who takes reasonable legal risks. The “good
lawyer” is the one who turns to legal creativity and legal innovation.