An Overview Of The Electrical Activity Recorded During Peach
The PEACH (Projet en Electricité Atmosphérique pour la Campagne HyMeX) project is the Atmospheric Electricity component of the HyMeX (Hydrology cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment) experiment. PEACH aims at measuring and analyzing the lightning activity and electrical state of thunderstorms over the Mediterranean Sea. During the SOP1 (Special Observation Period; September-October 2012), records of four European operational lightning detection networks (ATDNET, UKMO; EUCLID; LINET, nowcast; ZEUS, NOA) and the NMT Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) were used to document the total lightning activity over South-Eastern France. Other research instruments such as induction rings (LA), electric field measurements (OVE; LA; NMT), video camera (OVE; ONERA), microbarometer and microphone arrays (CEA) were deployed to document the properties of the lightning flashes as well as the electrical state of parent thunderclouds. These observations are used to characterize the evolution of the electrical activity during the life cycle of SOP storms in conjunction with microphysics and kinematics description of the parent storms as derived from ground-based radar, ground-based and airborne in situ observations. Interpretation of the results are supported by the use of cloud models (MM5; MESO-NH with electrification and lightning schemes).We will discuss some of the recorded cases at both flash and storm scales, including the 14 October 2012 tornado case that occurred North of Marseille. We will also introduce some of the products that will be made available to the HyMeX Community.
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