Selecting an optimal climatic dataset for integrated modelling of the Ebro hydrosystem. In: Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions.
This study aims at defining a method for selecting an optimal interpolated climatic dataset in the
context of an integrated modelling of the Ebro (85 000 km2
, Spain) hydro-system. Two different sets of
temperature and precipitation were chosen according to data availability criteria, and each set was
interpolated on an 8 × 8 km grid covering the basin, with and without a monthly or annual altitudinal
gradient applied by geographical area (Pyrenees, Cantabrian and Iberian ranges) over 1000 m a.m.s.l. Seven
basins (464 to 2975 km2
) representing different flow regimes of the Ebro catchment were chosen to evaluate
the performance of 24 different climatic datasets for modelling water resources. We used a conceptual model
(GR4j) at a daily time step to test the sensitivity of hydrological modelling to the different sets of
precipitation and temperature. A global score was attributed to each dataset according to the different
hydrological modelling criteria in order to discriminate the best-performing dataset.