Bond graph representation of point contact between two bodies with parametered outline curves in planar multibody mechanical systems
This paper presents a bond graph representation of point contact joint between two bodies with any sort of parametered outline curves. In the context of multibody mechanical systems, we are considering at the moment planar systems or planar motion of the contact point. Firstly we situate the problem for systematically representing, in bond graph, a point contact joint between two bodies with any type of parametered outline curves. This necessitates expressing in bond graph terms two conditions : (i) effective contact and (ii) tangency of body outline curves. Later we propose a bond graph representation deduced from the above. A junction structure, which can be inserted between both the bond graphs of bodies in contact, shows the coupling between rotational and translational parts. Finally an example of a cam-follower is used to apply the representation proposed here is given. This gives identical results in simulation as a purely mechanical study does.