Optimal fleet management for real-time ride-sharing service considering network congestion
When assessing the dynamic ride-sharing problem, two important points should be considered. First, how the ride-sharing system serves the network demand and second, how the ride-sharing system is impacted by the network and in particular by congestion. Most of the existing approaches focus on the first point, i.e. designing the demand matching while using basic assumptions for the second point, mainly constant travel times. Furthermore, most assume that predicted travel times used for the demand-matching are observed when executing the vehicle schedule, which is usually not the case in practice. In this paper two models are defined to deal with dynamic traffic conditions: current mean speed in the network is used over the next 10 minutes to predict travel times when calculating the optimal schedule for the ride-sharing fleet. This fleet is assumed composed of autonomous cars to avoid considering constraints about the drivers. Then, cars travels are simulated and the traffic situation is updated every 10 seconds using a trip-based MFD model as the plant model to represent the traffic dynamics. Some important details are discussed: improvements in the objective functions and also traffic conditions with different values for the number of sharing, the market-rate, and pickup/drop off time window. We find out that the proposed system is really efficient in terms of reducing congestion, especially in peak hours if sufficient sharing happens. Also it can reduce the providers cost while it has small increase in passengers waiting time and travel time.