Smart Seafloor Mapping in Real Time Regime Using Deep-Sea Multi-beam Echosounder Hydrosweep DS
Инновационный подход к автоматизиванной съемке рельефа дна в видеорежиме реального времени с использованием многолучевого эхолота Hydrosweep DS
The paper describes the advantages in the advanced tools in bathymetric mapping. The rapid development of the geographic information industry and digital GIS raises urgent question of the use of competitive bathymetric software: precise, with automated operations and efficient to use. The paper reports the experience of using such software: echosounder system Hydrosweep DS for smart, i.e. highly automated mapping and data capture by the remote sensing techniques. The use of the deep-water acoustic complex allows to carry out high-precision measurements and minimize errors associated with the human factor by the high-level automation of shooting.
Informatique [cs] Traitement du signal et de l'image [eess.SP] Hydrologie Traitement des images [eess.IV] Interface homme-machine [cs.HC] Recherche d'information [cs.IR] Logique en informatique [cs.LO] Algorithme et structure de données [cs.DS] Planète et Univers [physics] Océan, Atmosphère OcéanographieOrigine | Fichiers produits par l'(les) auteur(s) |