Does technology enabled design-thinking influence digital innovation? An innovation affordance perspective
Though prior research recognizes the vital role of the ‘innovation agents’ in effectuating digital innovation, little attention has been given to examine the role of ‘innovation affordances’. Drawing on digital innovation literature, we conceptualize the influence of both —‘innovation agent’ and ‘innovation affordance’ factors on the extent of digital innovation. We then test the theorized model via a quasi-experimental study, where the extent of digital innovation from a technology enabled design-thinking creative process is examined. Though the results from our study demonstrate the salience of both ‘innovation agent’ and ‘innovation affordance’ factors, the latter operationalized through technology enabled design-thinking process, the construct for which is developed in our study, has a stronger influence on digital innovation. Our research emphasizes the need for having a well-structured technology enabled creative process to actualize the innovation affordances. The findings have significant theoretical and practical implications.