Comparison of UV-C and blue emitting nitride-on-silicon microdisk lasers
Microlasers covering the UV to blue spectral range are important building blocks for biochemical detection applications. This work presents a series of microdisk lasers realized within the same GaN-on-Si photonic platform scheme, and operating at room temperature under pulsed optical pumping over a broad spectral range extending from 275 nm to 470 nm. The III-nitride microdisks embed either binary GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) for UV operation, or ternary InGaN/GaN MQWs for violet and blue operation. The fabrication process is based on e-beam lithography and the release of the nitride membrane after selective under-etching of the silicon susbtrate, and has led to high quality factor resonators, microdisks as well as photonic crystal cavities, within the same platform. A detailed comparison of these microlasers leads to the conclusion that for our Q>1000 microdisk resonators, the pumping threshold is determined by the type of optical excitation, resonant with the barrier or with the MQW excited states, and the emission efficiency of the MQWs [Sellés et al., APL 109, 231101 (2016) and Sci. Rep. 6, 21650 (2016)].