Quantum thermal machines with single nonequilibrium environments
We will discuss the behavior of one or more elementary quantum system (atom, molecules,
quantum dot, . . . ) interacting with a stationary, simple and rich electromagnetic environment
out of thermal equilibrium: The electromagnetic field is produced by a simple configuration of
macroscopic objects held at thermal equilibrium at different temperatures. We will show how
the internal atomic dynamics can be deeply affected by the non equilibrium configuration
leading to unexpected phenomena like a spontaneous inversion of population, new cooling
mechanisms obtained by heating the system [1], and the possibility to create and protect entanglement
in a stationary and robust way [2]. Finally, we will discuss how this system may
directly allow the realization of atomic quantum thermal machines, with high efficiency and a
genuine quantum behavior [3].
[1] B. Bellomo, R. Messina, and M. Antezza, Europhys. Lett. 100, 20006 (2012)
[2] B. Bellomo and M. Antezza, Europhys. Lett. 104, 10006 (2013)
[3] B. Leggio, B. Bellomo, and M. Antezza, Phys. Rev. A 91, 012117 (2015)