Context Awareness in Uncertain Pervasive Computing and Sensors Environment
Building context-aware pervasive computing systems - such as ambient intelligent spaces or ubiquitous robots - needs to take into account the quality of contextual information collected from sensors. Such information are often inaccurate, uncertain or subject to noise due to environment and user dynamics. Dempster-Shafer theory has been extensively adopted to handle uncertainty in situation and activity recognition. This theory is used to represent, manipulate and decide under uncertainty. However, combining information using Dempster's rule may produce counterintuitive decision in highly conflicting evidences due to sources failure. Recently, a variety of rules were proposed to overcome such drawback. Inspired by Murphy's rule, we propose in this paper a new rule called “Weighted Average Combination Rule” (WACR) to deal with context recognition in highly dynamic environment such as ambient intelligence spaces. The proposed WACR rule is based on evidence arithmetic average and cardinality. WACR rule was applied to some conflictual evidence examples and has been shown to reap more appropriate decisions than other alternative rules for decision-making in activity-aware systems. To demonstrate the applicability and performance of our approach, we have studied a scenario of context recognition in an ambient intelligent environment. In this scenario, we simulated a smart kitchen composed of status devices and RFID sensors that allow determining what is the artifact in use by the inhabitant and for which activity.