Metabolic counterparts of sodium accumulation in Multiple Sclerosis: A whole brain 1H-MRSI and 23Na-MRI study
To determine the metabolic counterparts of cerebral total sodium accumulations in patients with Multiple Sclerosis, we acquired fast 3D-^\textrm1H-EPSI and Density-adapted 3D-UTE ^\textrm23Na MRI at 3 Tesla covering the whole brain in 21 patients and 20 volunteers. Patients showed increased ^\textrm23Na and decreased NAA, Glx and Cho levels. Stepwise analyses highlights association of ^\textrm23Na accumulations with i) decreased NAA and Glx levels and increased Cho levels within GM, ii) with decreased NAA and increased Cho levels within NAWM and T_\textrm2 lesion compartments. Clinical status of patients assessed by MSFC was correlated to GM and NAWM ^\textrm23Na, NAA and Glx levels.