Simulation d'une nouvelle modalité d'imagerie basée sur le rayonnement X diffusé
Patrimonial and ancient material objets having a attened geometry, i.e. having a large ratio between the top or bottom area and its thickness, are nowadays dicult to study with classic radiation tomography methods. A Compton Scatter Tomography (CST) approach is then envisaged.
While incoherent (Compton) scattering data is usually considered as noise, it will be treated in this work as the primary phenomenon of the image formation process. In a Compton event, an incident photon of energy E0 is absorbed by a target electron, who re-emits a secondary photon scattered by an angle 'omega' relative to the direction of the original photon. The scattered photon has an energy E'omega' < E0 and it will be the collected information to perform the in-depth reconstruction, without the need of rotating the system. The energy loss is practically encoding the scattering angle information.