Conference Papers Year : 2018

Cooperative adaptive cruise control over unreliable networks: an observer-based approach to increase robustness to packet loss


Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) is nowadays a promising technique to increase highway through-put, safety and comfort for vehicles. Enabled by wireless communication, CACC allows a platoon of vehicles to achieve better performance than Adaptive Cruise Control; however, since wireless is employed, problems related to unreliability arise. In this paper, we design a digital controller to achieve platoon stability, enhanced by an observer to increase robustness against packet losses. A preliminary set of simulation results is presented, which confirms the interest of using an observer in combination with a local and cooperative digital controller.


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hal-01721773 , version 1 (02-03-2018)


  • HAL Id : hal-01721773 , version 1


Francesco Acciani, Paolo Frasca, Anton Stoorvogel, Elham Semsar-Kazerooni, Geert Heijenk. Cooperative adaptive cruise control over unreliable networks: an observer-based approach to increase robustness to packet loss. ECC 2018 - 16th European Control Conference, Jun 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. pp.1399-1404. ⟨hal-01721773⟩
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