Equivalence of some subcritical properties in continuum percolation
We consider the Boolean model on $\R^d$. We prove some equivalences between subcritical percolation properties. Let us introduce some notations to state one of these equivalences. Let $C$ denote the connected component of the origin in the Boolean model. Let $|C|$ denotes its volume. Let $\ell$ denote the maximal length of a chain of random balls from the origin. Under optimal integrability conditions on the radii, we prove that $E(|C|)$ is finite if and only if there exists $A,B >0$ such that $\P(\ell \ge n) \le Ae^{-Bn}$ for all $n \ge 1$.
Probability [math.PR]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |
Is original form of hal-03158712 Journal article Jean-Baptiste Gouéré, Marie Théret. Equivalence of some subcritical properties in continuum percolation. Bernoulli, 2019, 25 (4B), pp.3714-3733. ⟨10.3150/19-BEJ1108⟩. ⟨hal-03158712⟩