The SIPIBEL project: treatment of hospital and urban wastewater in a conventional urban wastewater treatment plant.
Hospital wastewater (HWW) receives increasing attention because of its specific composition and higher concentrations of some micropollutants. Better knowledge of HWW is needed in order to improve management strategies and to ensure the preservation of wastewater treatment efficiency and freshwater ecosystems. This context pushed forward the development of a pilot study site named Site Pilote de Bellecombe (SIPIBEL), which collects and treats HWW separately from urban wastewater, applying the same conventional treatment process. This particular configuration offers the opportunity for various scientific investigations. It enables to compare hospital and urban wastewater, the efficiency of the two parallel treatment lines, and the composition of the resulting hospital and urban treated effluents, as well as the evaluation of their effects on the environment. The study site takes into account environmental, economic, and social issues and promotes scientific and technical multidisciplinary actions. ᅟ.