Next-to-Leading Order Computation of Exclusive Diffractive Light Vector Meson Production in a Saturation Framework
We perform the first next-to-leading order computation of the γ(*)→V (ρ,ϕ,ω) exclusive impact factor in the QCD shock-wave approach and in the most general kinematics. This paves the way to the very first quantitative study of high-energy nucleon and nucleus saturation beyond the leading order for a whole range of small-x exclusive processes, to be measured in ep, eA, pp, and pA collisions at existing and future colliders.
Mots clés
electron p: deep inelastic scattering
diffraction: production
photon: off-shell
photon: virtual
vector meson: neutral particle
vector meson: exclusive production
quantum chromodynamics
photon p --> rho(770) p
photon p --> Phi(1020) p
photon p --> omega(783) p