Lithium battery : diagnostics and lifespan.application to the range estimation of an electric vehicle
Electric vehicles have a relatively long charging time and a relatively short range. Estimating a
vehicle’s consumption and range is therefore crucial. Range will depend on the average speed, top speeds,
ascent and descent, battery temperature and battery condition. Judging the range of a vehicle is thus not a
directly linear function of the distance to cover. This nonlinearity leads to mistrust, where a user cannot have
total confidence in electric vehicles (bicycle, scooter, car ...). Moreover, the fail of only one cell of the battery
can reduce drastically the range or even lead the vehicle to stop. The user must be able to diagnose the battery
and its state of health to see if the proposed trip is feasible. This article presents a simple strategy to monitor the
behavior of the battery during charge and discharge and provides a quick diagnosis of each element and also of
the whole battery. Then, it’s possible to determine the range remaining in a vehicle’s battery based on all the
above parameters. To find out if a vehicle can make a given journey without recharging, a web application for
estimating the vehicle’s consumption was completed and successfully tested.