A Lévy HJM multiple-curve model with application to CVA computation
We consider the problem of valuation of interest rate derivatives in the post-crisis setup. We develop a multiple-curve model, set in the HJM framework and driven by a L ́evy process. We proceed with joint calibration to OTM swaptions and co-terminal ATM swaptions of different tenors, the calibration to OTM swaptions guaranteeing that the model correctly captures volatility smile effects and the calibration to co-terminal ATM swaptions ensuring an appropriate term structure of the volatility in the model. To account for counterparty risk and funding issues, we use the calibrated multiple- curve model as an underlying model for CVA computation. We follow a reduced-form methodology through which the problem of pricing the counterparty risk and funding costs can be reduced to a pre-default Markovian BSDE, or an equivalent semi-linear PDE. As an illustration we study the case of a basis swap and a related swaption, for which we compute the counterparty risk and funding adjustments.