Determinants of driving errors in older adults
Objective 1: (Required) "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better describe driving errors made by older adults. Objective 2: (Required) "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better understand driving errors determinants. Objective 3: "After attending this session participants will be able to..." : After attending the session, participants will be able to better discuss the different facets of driver safety. Abstract Body (Required; Limit 250 words) : The extent to which personality, deficits in specific cognitive domains, and self-assessment of cognitive and driving abilities contribute to older drivers' safety in complex real-world driving tasks is not well understood. In order to better understand driving errors made by adults being 70 years old and over a predriving assessment and an on-road test was conducted. We hypothesized that drivers over-estimating their own abilities will commit more driving errors. A convenience sample of 145 older drivers (mean age = 76 ± 4.1) completed a standardized road course conducted with a driving instructor and a human factors specialist who rated driving behaviors as well as driving performance. Participants also completed cognitive tests (UFOV, TMT A&B, Digit Symbol). They answered french versions of the big five inventory (20 items) and the CES-d depression scale (20 items) and rated their own cognitive and driving abilities. Relationships between the four domains previously described with the on-road performance will be studied through correlational analyses. Multivariate analyses will be conducted to explore the domains that can best predicted driving errors. Distinct facets of driver safety on road will be discussed. These findings will present preliminary evidence for the utility of personality assessments in identifying bias in driving self-evaluations, essential for safe self-regulation of driving.