Explicit generators of some pro-p groups via Bruhat-Tits theory
Générateurs explicites de certains sous-groupes pro-p via la théorie de Bruhat-Tits.
Given a semisimple group over a local field of residual characteristic p, its topological group of rational points admits maximal pro-p subgroups. The maximal pro-p subgroups of quasisplit simply connected semisimple groups can be described in the combinatorial terms of a valued root groups datum, thanks to the Bruhat-Tits theory. In this context, it becomes possible to compute explicitly a minimal generating set of the (all conjugated) maximal pro-p subgroups thanks to parametrizations of a suitable maximal torus and of the corresponding root groups. We show that the minimal number of generators is then linear with respect to the rank of a suitable root system.
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