Approche interdisciplinaire pour l’étude du processus d’appropriation de dispositifs smart-grids
In the current context of sustainable development issues, smart grid should develop for the user new possibilities in controlling its electricity consumption. This paper proposes an ergo-sociological approach to understand how this technology become or not a resource for energy saving. This approach combines instrumental theory, sociology of uses and actor-network theory to study the process of smart grid’s appropriation from three levels: (i) micro, based on the study of mediated activity and development of resources for and into the activity, (ii) meso, based on the study of social practices development and (iii) macro, looking at the interactions between human and non-human actors of the socio-technical network in which the mediated activity occurs. This interdisciplinary approach offers an expanded conceptual basis to study smart grid’s appropriation process in all its complexity and, ultimately, its effect on energy saving.