Machine reassignment problem: the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2012
The ROADEF/EURO challenge is a contest jointly organized by the French Operational Research and Decision Aid society (ROADEF) and the European Operational Research society (EURO). The contest appears on a regular basis since 1999 and always concerns an industrial optimization problem proposed by an industrial partner. Google proposed a subject for the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2012 (, presenting a complex and large-scale machine reassignment problem, where a set of processes assigned to a set of machines have to be reassigned (or moved) while balancing machine usage improvement and moving costs, under resource (more precisely CPU, RAM, disk) and operational constraints. The 2012 challenge edition has been an unprecedented success with 82 registered teams, 48 teams that actually sent a program for qualification, 30 qualified teams and 27 teams that sent a program for the final evaluation. This paper aims at introducing the Annals of Operations Research special issue by presenting the ROADEF/EURO challenge 2012 subject, as well as the methods of the finalist teams and their results.