Habitat used by an insular population of Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops on Oleron Island (Western France)
Habitats fréquentés par une population insulaire de petit-duc Otus scops (Ile d'Oléron, Charente-Maritime, France)
Singing males of Scops Owl
were censused over a 27-year period (1981-2007)
on Oleron, an island under heavy pressure of urbanization
and tourism. Habitats used by the
species were inferred from the location of singing
individuals. Variation in their numbers was analyzed
as a function of the structure of the male’s home
range. The present analysis is based on a previous
study in abundance and distribution of singing
males and on an accurate mapping of the available
habitats over the island. On Oleron 80% of singing
males were contacted in wooded areas. By modelling
the effect of habitat traits we showed that the
density of singing males was positively influenced
by the importance of wooded areas and negatively
influenced by urbanized areas. This situation is in
contrast with what has been described elsewhere
for the Scops Owl, particularly in the Mediterranean
region where this species is much more linked to
urbanized areas. The occurrence in wooded areas
on Oleron may both reflect insect abundance and
severe reduction in cultivated areas.