Conference Papers Year : 2016

School and Family Involvement in Educational Practices in French Polynesia


The purpose of this paper is to present an ongoing research project financed by the Ministry of Overseas in France. The paper describes a longitudinal exploratory study that aims at gathering a large scale corpus on educational practices both from classroom and family environments from five French Polynesian archipelagos. To our knowledge no other study has looked into educational practices that combine both school and family environments and the impact of the interaction between these two milieus on French Polynesian children. We have been gathering corpus on four disciplines: Polynesian languages which are taught at schools; English as a foreign language; mathematics; and science. The use of French (which is the medium of instruction) will be analyzed across situations observed. The data for this research project have been gathered via video/audio recordings, observations, interviews and questionnaires. In each archipelago, the data are collected by two observers: a researcher and another professional in education who speaks the local language spoken in the archipelago.
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Ailincai et al. (2016). School and Family Involvement in Educational Practices in French Polynesia. IAFOR ICE.pdf (430.82 Ko) Télécharger le fichier
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hal-01309810 , version 1 (01-05-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01309810 , version 1


Rodica Ailincai, Zehra Gabillon, Jacques Vernaudon, Mirose Paia, Maurizio Alì. School and Family Involvement in Educational Practices in French Polynesia. The IAFOR International Conference on Education - Hawaii 2016, IAFOR - The International Academic Forum, Jan 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. pp.199-215. ⟨hal-01309810⟩
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