Robust Linear Programming with Right-Handside Uncertainty, Duality and Applications
The various robust linear programming models investigated so far in the literature essentially appear to be based either on what is referred to as rowwise uncertainty models or on columnwise uncertainty models (these basically assume that the rows, or the columns, of the constraint matrix are subject to changes within a well-specified uncertainty set). In this chapter, we discuss a special case of columnwise uncertainty, namely the subclass of robust linear programming (LP) models with uncertainty limited to the right hand side (RHS) only (this subclass does not appear to have been significantly investigated so far). In this context we introduce the concept of a ‘two-stage robust LP model’ as opposed to the standard case (which might be referred to as a ‘single-stage robust LP model’) and we address the question of whether LP duality can be used to convert a LP problem with RHS uncertainty into a robust LP problem with uncertainty on the objective function. We show how to derive both statements of (a) the dual to the robust model and (b) the robust version of the dual. The resulting expressions of the objective function to be optimized in both cases, appear to be clearly distinct. Moreover, from a complexity point of view, one appears to be efficiently solvable (it reduces to a convex optimization problem), whereas the other, as a nonconvex optimization problem, is expected to be computationally difficult in the general case. As an application of the two-stage robust LP model introduced here, we next investigate the PERT (program evaluation and review technique) scheduling problem, considering two possible natural ways of specifying the uncertainty set for the task durations: the case where the uncertainty set is a scaled ball with respect to the L ∞ norm; the case where the uncertainty set is a scaled Hamming ball of bounded radius (which, though leading to a quite different model, bears some resemblance to the well-known Bertsimas–Sim approach to robustness). We show that in both cases the resulting robust optimization problem can be efficiently solved in polynomial time.