Earthworms modify soil phosphorus and plant interactions in a Mediterranean legume-cereal intercrop
Intercropping of legumes and cereals appears as an alternative agricultural practice to decrease the use of chemical fertilizers while maintaining high yields. A better understanding of the biotic and abiotic factors determining interactions between plants is required. Our study aims to analyse the effect of earthworms on the legume-cereal interactions with a focus on the modifications induced by earthworms on the forms of soil phosphorus (P). In a glasshouse experiment we investigated the effect of an endogeic earthworm
(Allolobophora chlorotica) on the plant biomass and on N and P acquisition by durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) either grown alone or intercropped. The modifications of the different organic and inorganic P forms in the bulk soil were measured. There was no overyielding of the intercrop in the absence of earthworms. Earthworms had a strong influence on biomass and resource allocation between roots and shoots whereas no modification was observed in terms of total biomass production and P acquisition. Earthworms changed the interaction between the intercropped species mainly by reducing the competition for nutrients. Facilitation (positive plant-plant interactions) was only observed for the root biomass and P acquisition in the presence of earthworms. Earthworms decreased the amount of organic P extracted with NaOH, while they increased the water soluble inorganic P content. In this experiment, earthworms could be seen as “troubleshooter” in plant-plant interaction as they reduced the competition between the intercropped species. Our study brings new insights into how earthworms affect plant growth and the P cycle.