Patents Year : 2013

Method for determining maximum mileage range of electric vehicle, involves determining moment at which state of change of battery tends to zero following evolution of energy state of vehicle along trajectory


The method involves selecting a trajectory ranging between a starting point and a destination place. An initial energy state of the vehicle is evaluated. A strategy of energy consumption along the selected trajectory is applied by a controller based on optimized use of an auxiliary internal combustion engine and battery so as to support overall length of running distance. A moment at which a state of change of the battery tends to zero is determined following the evolution of energy state of the vehicle along the trajectory.
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Dates and versions

hal-01254149 , version 1 (11-01-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01254149 , version 1


Giovanni Granato, Hasnaa Zidani, K. Aouchiche. Method for determining maximum mileage range of electric vehicle, involves determining moment at which state of change of battery tends to zero following evolution of energy state of vehicle along trajectory. France, Patent n° : FR2988061. 2013. ⟨hal-01254149⟩
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