Book Sections Year : 2016

Incremental Proof-Based Development for Resilient Distributed Systems


Distributed systems Iand applications require efficient and effective techniques (e.g.self-(re)configuration, self-healing, etc.) for ensuring safety,security and more generally dependability properties, includingstabilization and resilience. The complexity of these systems isincreased by several factors, for example dynamic topology,interconnection of heterogeneous components, and automatic failuredetection. This chapter presents a methodology for developingprotocols satisfying safety and convergence requirements of thedistributed self-$\star$ systems. The self-$\star$ systems are basedon the idea of managing complex infrastructures, software, anddistributed systems, with minimal user interactions.\textit{Correct-by-construction} and \textit{service-as-event}paradigms are used for formalizing the system requirements, where theformalization process is based on incremental refinement in \bevent.We describe a fully mechanized proof of correctness of self-$\star$systems along with an interesting case study related to P2P-basedself-healing protocols.
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Dates and versions

hal-01246669 , version 1 (18-12-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01246669 , version 1


Manamiary Bruno Andriamiarina, Dominique Méry, Neeraj Kumar Singh. Incremental Proof-Based Development for Resilient Distributed Systems. Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering, Taylor and Francis Group, 2016, Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering. ⟨hal-01246669⟩
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