IQUIZ: Integrated Assessment Environment to improve Moodle Quiz
Moodle is a well-known open source system to support teaching and learning through the web. It provides Quiz, a tool for learning assessment, which is also adopted by a large community along the world. Another tool that allows automatic assessment within Moodle is the iAssign package. iAssign provides means for integrating interactive Learning Modules (iLM) to Moodle, empowering it with interactive intense activities concerning specific issues implemented in iLM. However, such tools present some limitations that prevent their users to take more benefit of the question types and iLM such as (i) authoring is not a simple task; (ii) iAssign integrates iLM to Moodle without incorporating Moodle questionnaires; (iii) Quiz database for questions and questionnaires is not integrated to a repository with search and retrieving tools; (iv) in the current version of Moodle, Quiz didn't allows the incorporation or exportation of assessment content that follows the IMS-QTI 2.1 (Question and Test Interoperability) specification. In this paper we address such limitations proposing a generic model and its implementation for the Moodle system.