Journal Articles Field Actions Science Reports Year : 2016

Social acceptability of large infrastructure projects in Vietnam


We compare international best practice guidelines on Social Impact Assessment with current practices in Vietnam, based on a desk review of relevant regulations; participative observation; stakeholder interviews and three exemplary hydropower project cases. We find that infrastructure development is booming in Vietnam despite administrative complexity and inefficiencies; resettlement for hydropower projects has become a kind of lightning rod for questions of environmental justice in Vietnamese society; compensation is the key issue there; overshadowing other social impact considerations. Options to improve the investment of all stakeholders in the social impact assessment and management are discussed.
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hal-01214748 , version 1 (19-10-2015)



  • HAL Id : hal-01214748 , version 1


Minh Ha-Duong, Anh Nguyen Lan, Tracey Strange, an Ha Truong. Social acceptability of large infrastructure projects in Vietnam. Field Actions Science Reports, 2016, Acceptabilité environnementale et sociale des grands projets industriels, 14, pp.72-81. ⟨hal-01214748⟩
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