Hybrid, Tunable-Diameter, Metal Oxide Nanotubes for Trapping of Organic Molecules
New developments in nanosciences and nanotechnologies are strongly dependent on our ability to synthesize well-controlled nanobuilding units, with specific properties. We report in this paper the first synthesis of hybrid single-walled imogolite nanotubes (OH)3Al2O3SixGe1?xCH3 with diameter-controlled hydrophobic nanopores varying from 1.8 to 2.4 nm. Methylation and nanotube dimensions are studied by combining infrared spectroscopy, cryo-TEM observations, and X-ray scattering measurements. We show that, in solution, the water density inside methylated nanotubes is decreased by a factor of 3 compared to the bulk value. Spontaneous confinement of bromopropanol molecules inside the nanotubes, when added to the solution, is demonstrated. These newly synthesized nanotubes may open up possibilities for water filtration or water decontamination.