Journal Articles Journal of Materials Processing Technology Year : 2014

Generation and characterization of T40/A5754 interfaces with lasers


Laser-induced reactive wetting and brazing of T40 titanium with A5754 aluminum alloy with 1.5 mm thickness was carried out in lap-joint configuration, with or without the use of Al5Si filler wire. A 2.4 mm diameter laser spot was positioned on the aluminum side to provoke spreading and wetting of the lower titanium sheet, with relatively low scanning speeds (0.1-0.6 m/min). Process conditions did not play a very significant role on mechanical strengths, which were shown to reach 250-300 N/mm on a large range of laser power and scanning speeds. In all cases considered, the fracture during tensile testing occurred next to the TiAl3 interface, but in the aluminum fusion zone. The interfacial resistance was then evaluated with the LASAT bond strength tester, based upon the generation and propagation of laser-induced shock waves. A 0.68 GPa uniaxial bond strength was estimated for the T40/A5754 interface under dynamic loading conditions.
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hal-01023673 , version 1 (15-07-2014)



Patrice Peyre, Laurent Berthe, Morgan Dal, Sébastien Pouzet, Pierre Sallamand, et al.. Generation and characterization of T40/A5754 interfaces with lasers. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214, pp.1946-1953. ⟨10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2014.04.019⟩. ⟨hal-01023673⟩
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