MAN@RCHISES: new added-services architecture in automatic management networking
The environment of the telecommunications service operators is particularly complex today with the integration of very diverse services coming from the Internet. This complexity arises from an integration between telecommunications and the Internet. The generalization of the Internet continues to grow unabated, especially with the rapid adoption of mobile and fixed wireless connecting a myriad of devices in homes and businesses. It allows us to have more and more services at low cost. In the future, anyone with any kind of device at any times will have options to access any service from anywhere. In fulfilling this requirement, more rapid and profitable methods of service creation and management must be examined. In this context, MAN@RCHISES, a network-based application concept, is proposed in this paper. This concept results in the integration of the Internet service concept and the intelligence in networking concept of the telecommunications world. MAN@RCHISES is an architecture in which the applications and the services are not ported onto a pre-existing network, but where the network itself grows out of the applications and the services that end user demands. The major objective of this article is to propose a new architecture for the adaptive and self-organizing ambient aware applications.