Books Year : 2015

Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design and Technology Education


The overarching theme of this book is “Plurality and complementarity of approaches in design & technology education”. Research topics presented in this book include aspects of learning, teaching and assessing; Science, technology, engineering & mathematic (STEM); linked with languages. Together all these research areas are representatives of plurality and complementarity of relevant approach for design & technology education, but they also relate to a variety of key areas in school technology education.
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hal-01161553 , version 1 (08-06-2015)



  • HAL Id : hal-01161553 , version 1


Marjolaine Chatoney (Dir.). Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design and Technology Education. 2015, 978-2-85399-994-6. ⟨hal-01161553⟩
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