“Narrating Papal Authority (440-530) : The Adaptation of Liber Pontificalis to the Apostolic See's Developing Claims”
Recently, new hypothesis have arised considering birth and first diffusions of Liber Ponticialis. The aim of this paper is to propose a clarification especially founded on papal relations with East as reflected by the text. As it seems, the initial version of the Liber Pontificalis (Urtext) was not, stricktly speaking, an editorial project launched by pope Hormisdas (514-523). But this source was loyal to his major decisions. After Hormisdas’ death, this first édition which was first destinated to roman clerics, was completed, and his vita was added. Another continuator extended the biographical tales till Felix iv’s end. So, as it has been transmitted to us, with all this supplements, Liber pontificalis contributes to give a real sense about dissensions once experienced in Rome : they are largelly explained by difficulties emerged in greek christianity. Thanks to the primacy principles, as expressed by saint Leo, their overtop is then presented as a master piece of Saint-Peter’s see's glory.