Solving large sparse linear systems in a grid environment: the GREMLINS code versus the PETSc library
Solving large sparse linear systems is essential in numerous scientific domains. Several algorithms, based on direct or iterative methods, have been developed for parallel architectures. On distributed grids consisting of processors located in distant geographical sites, their performance may be unsatisfactory because they suffer from too many synchronizations and communications. The GREMLINS code has been developed for solving large sparse linear systems on distributed grids. It implements the multisplitting method that consists in splitting the original linear system into several subsystems that can be solved independently. In this paper, the performance of the GREMLINS code obtained with several libraries for solving the linear subsystems is analyzed. Its performance is also compared with that of the widely used PETSc library that enables one to develop portable parallel applications. Numerical experiments have been carried out both on local clusters and on distributed grids.