Journal Articles Journal of Materials Processing Technology Year : 2010

Impact of experimental conditions on material response during forming of steel in semi-solid state


Semi-solid forming is an effective near-net-shape forming process to produce components with complex geometry and in fewer forming steps. It benefits from the complex thixotropic behaviour of semi-solids. However, the consequences of such behaviour on the flow during thixoforming, is still neither completely characterized and nor fully understood, especially for high melting point alloys. The study described in this paper investigates thixoextrusion for C38 low carbon steel material using dies at temperatures much lower than the slug temperature. Four different process parameters were studied: the initial slug temperature, the die temperature, the ram speed and the presence of a ceramic layer at the tool/material interface. The extruded parts were found to have an exact shape and a good surface state only if the temperature was below a certain value. This critical temperature is not an intrinsic material property since its value depends on die temperature and the presence of the Ceraspray©layer. Two kinds of flow were highlighted: a homogeneous flow controlled by the behaviour of the solid skeleton characterized by a positive strain rate sensitivity, and a non homogeneous flow (macro liquid/solid phase separation) dominated by the flow of the free liquid. With decreasing ram speed, heat losses increase so that the overall consistency of the material improves, leading to apparent negative strain rate sensitivity. Finally, some ways to optimise thixoforming are proposed.
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hal-01090556 , version 1 (03-12-2014)



Eric Becker, Véronique Favier, Régis Bigot, Pierre Cezard, Laurent Langlois. Impact of experimental conditions on material response during forming of steel in semi-solid state. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2010, 210 (11), pp.1482-1492. ⟨10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2010.04.006⟩. ⟨hal-01090556⟩
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