Patents Year : 2013

Energy management method for an electric vehicle


The invention relates to a method for managing energy consumption for an automobile having an electric battery and a heat engine, said method making it possible to select the use phases of said engine along a given route so as to minimize the fuel consumption of said vehicle. The main characteristic of the method according to the invention is that it includes the following steps: a step of cutting the road network, which is taken into consideration for a given route, into a plurality of segments, each segment being defined by an input node and by an output node; a step of calculating, from a speed associated with said segment, the probability of a speed transition between a speed at an input node and a speed at an output node of a segment, while taking a plurality of speeds at the input node and a plurality speeds at the output node into consideration, said step being carried out gradually over all of the segments of the route; a step of applying a stochastic optimization algorithm taking all the possible transition scenarios between each input node and each output node, and the probability associated therewith, into account, and taking a fuel consumption model between two successive nodes into account, said step being carried out over all of the segments of the route; and a step of selecting use phases of the heat engine along the route.
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Dates and versions

hal-01067112 , version 1 (23-09-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-01067112 , version 1


Giovanni Granato, J. Frederic Bonnans, K. Aouchiche, Rousseau Grégory, Hasnaa Zidani. Energy management method for an electric vehicle. France, Patent n° : WO2013087536 A1. 2013. ⟨hal-01067112⟩
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